I have no idea how you feel. I feel very disappointed…and exhausted. I had expected, and hoped, to see Donald Trump still in the White House, Joe Biden under arrest, and the beginning of a long process of clearing out the criminals, sociopaths, pedophiles and parasites that run America, and most of the world.
I thought Trump had this…and maybe all is not yet lost given all the ‘dirt’ he just declassified…but as Mullah Nasradin once said:
“Put your faith in God, but don’t forget to tie up your camel”
On a personal note, if I have given you false-hope, I regret that.
I do not regret having an experience, nor do I regret following it. I’ve been watching this closely…Joe Biden did NOT win that election…they stole it.
This isn’t just about America…this is about who controls the destiny of humanity. Democracy or Technocracy. Humanity or Sociopaths. Freedom or Slavery. Truth or Lies. Light or Darkness. Good or Evil.
So I will continue to fight them…with my words, and by NOT pandering to their lies.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Thy Will be done
PS Please help us clean out the crap. Thanks Boss.
So life goes on: