‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

19th January 2021: Endgame…New Start. Summary of Sorts

I have no time for Secret Societies, Cults, Hierarchies, Cliques, Lodges, or Blood Gangs…of any description. We don’t get to be ‘Special’ by virtue of our birth, our inheritance, our bank balance…or our ‘position’.

We either serve the truth or we serve the lie. The truth speaks through ‘Conscience’, the lie speaks through ‘ego’. The difference between ‘left’ & ‘right’ is secondary to the gulf between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’…and good people from both ‘sides’ know this intuitively without having to read it in a book or have it explained to them by an ‘expert’.

In 1963 a very good man was murdered in Dallas, Texas, because he challenged the authority of a number of these ‘Secret Societies’:

  • The CIA didn’t fancy being broken up

  • The FBI didn’t like being told to get their hands out of organised crime

  • The Central Bankers didn’t like him issuing currency from the US Treasury, thus bypassing the private banking cartel & it’s ‘debt instrument’, the Federal Reserve Note. Returning ‘money’ to the control of the people has never gone down well with the ‘parasites’

  • In summary, JFK upset the ‘cabal’, the ‘giants’, the ‘deep state’…and they murdered him

58 years later…I believe…the ramifications of that event are still playing out. The cabal want to collapse the world economy, maintain their hegemony over money, and cement their control with the enormous power of 4iR…power that can either be used to serve humanity, or to enslave it. ‘The Great Reset’ is their plan, & COVID-19 is their catalyst. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump…and most of that has been planted in your head by servants of the ‘cabal’…he is ‘in the way’. He’s a nationalist not a globalist…complete your own list…

Everything about Trump is a pain in the arse to the ‘ruling elite’…so he has to go. Unfortunately for them…I believe…he has the support of some very resolute, clever people, who feel the same way about this ‘cabal’ as I believe, Trump does…as I KNOW I do.

I’ll say more lower down, but I’m running out of time, so let me make this very clear: I haven’t got a crystal ball and I don’t claim to speak for anyone else, certainly not Donald Trump, and least of all God. But I do claim this:

I want to see power returned to the people…and for that to happen, the ‘cabal’ must be smashed.

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This may be my last update for a while. I think I pretty much covered it these last few weeks. But to confirm:

  1. COVID19 is the scam to bring down the world

  2. Manufactured Crisis>Lockdown>Great Reset

  3. Without the US, the reset cannot work

  4. Ergo Trump had to go

  5. Problem 1: despite what the polls say, Trump is popular. His rallies pack stadiums

  6. Problem 2: Biden couldn’t pack a suitcase

  7. Solution: Steal the election

  8. Big problem for THEM. Trump is much smarter than they imagine and has the backing of VERY smart people in military intelligence…patriots who took an oath

  9. The people I describe as ‘the enemy’ are the worst people imaginable. Although I don’t use the word a lot…many are Satanists

  10. The crimes that these people are guilty of are SHOCKING….but…they will have to be revealed to the world so that it can KNOW who the enemy is, UNITE with fellow humanity, & HEAL

  11. I expect Trump to take them down between now and Wednesday midday (US), though of course, I have no contact with anyone in Trump’s team. This is all ‘my best shot’, given the attention I can give it

  12. There may be disruption to services, so make sure you have plenty of water, & food that can be eaten without cooking…just in case power goes down

I believe that this is an important chance for humanity to regain this planet from the ‘monsters’ who have ‘fed’ off us for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.

If I’m wrong, you’ll have plenty of chance to mock. If I’m right, we can breathe a sigh of relief, celebrate, and then help those for whom this will be a complete shock…like waking up to see ‘The Matrix’ for the first time.

God Bless


20th January 2021: Where are we now?

17th January 2021