‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Turning Point

The tide has been turning…it has now turned. Soon you’ll see the pasty little butts of all those who’ve been swimming naked.

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On Saturday 24th July, President Trump spoke at the ‘Turning Point Action’ rally in Phoenix Arizona, ostensibly to talk about restoring election integrity to the US. What he actually delivered was a 2.5 hour analysis of the pit that the cabal are trying to bury us in, how they will be stopped, and his vision for America.

What you will hear, if you watch his speech below, is what 75 million Americans voted for. By the time that the audits are done, you will see that it is actually what over 80 million Americans voted for. Watch it for yourself, I’ll just point out one thing:

  • He used the word ‘cabal’ to describe the powers…foreign and domestic…behind the steal

Trump uses specific words to send particular messages…codes, if you will. He knows, & he’s known all along, what he’s dealing with, and now he’s letting his supporters know…he’s letting the world know, those of us paying attention, that the noose is tightening.

This is way bigger than a US election. To repeat what I’ve said previously, BECAUSE IT’S IMPORTANT…this is a ‘war’ for who controls the planet: Humanity or psychopaths. This is Good vs evil. You don’t like Trump? Get over it. You’ll like him a lot better when you see who & what he’s been fighting. Further…if you’ve got the stomach to look at the evil which HAS to be exposed so we don’t allow it back…& if you have the humility to admit you may have misjudged someone…you might find yourself grateful that Donald Trump said ‘yes’ when asked to run for President in 2015…by a group of US Patriots & Generals who decided that it was now or never & there was no-one else with the nouse, the profile, the money…& most importantly…the ‘balls’ to stand front & centre.


Nothing will stop what’s coming

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them

LINK: https://rumble.com/vka124-president-donald-j.-trump-delivers-remarks-at-turning-point-action.html

From the sublime to the ridiculous:

The subject of the following video clip is the ‘turnip’ who was allegedly elected President of the United States with 80 million votes. If you STILL believe that shit, you are going to be so embarrassed when the Truth finally dawns on you…and you SHOULD be.

Watch this Alan Jones segment, which includes Biden footage from the CNN ‘Town Hall’ he did this week with Dim Melon, I’m sorry, Don Lemon…

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LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLVNYNEXr_c

Let me ask you again: Did 80 million Americans vote for this cucumber? Have you looked at what his policies are doing to the country? Never mind what the media says for a moment: Go to your experience & ask yourself this: Is THIS the legally elected President of the United States? Is he being asked real questions…by real people…responding authentically to the little pebbles of sheep-shit that fall out of his mouth & roll down his shirt? Remember now…you’re on oath :-)

Synchronous with the turning point in the election scam, I believe we are seeing a turning point in the COVID scam. Apart from the utter absurdity of the pronouncements being made, the vast numbers of supposedly ‘vaccinated’ people getting the supposed ‘virus’…the huge numbers of deaths & adverse reactions being reported, just on government systems…the truth will be much higher…apart from all that and more…the disclosures made by Dr David Martin are NOT going to go away. Irrespective of whether or not you watched his interview with Dr Reiner Fuellmich, I strongly suggest you watch this interview with Stew Peters.

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LINK: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/stew-peters-interview-with-dr-david-martin-where-he-makes-explosive-claims-of-patented-genocide_UbEx5BjnraPWrCj.html

I’ll leave you with this snippet of information. One of the last things I saw on Twitter before I was suspended, was a tweet from James Delingpole, a respected mainstream journalist, periodic writer at the Daily Telegraph…IE Not a chap well known for hyperbole, if I can put it like that. Anyway, I didn’t copy his message, but the gist of it was this:

Boris Johnson has admitted to the editors of the national papers that he is NOT in control, that he is now merely following instructions.

He didn't specify ‘from whom’, but since I already know who is behind this shit, and have known for over a year, this is not a problem for me. How much more information do you need dear reader?

What does this mean? When an event confirms what you already know HAS happened (the crime), and suggests the beginnings of a process that you know WILL happen (the exposure)…what does that tell you? It tells me a turning point has been crossed. It tells me this:

Nothing will stop what’s coming

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them.


PS. There were hundreds of protests around the world yesterday. There were protests against ‘vaccine passports’ in 175 cities & towns across France. You’ll hear very little about it, other than little shits like the Prime Minister of Australia saying how ‘selfish’ we are…or Welsh politicians saying that they are ‘disturbed’ that hundreds of us marched through Cardiff for an hour, turned up outside First Minister, Mark Drakeford’s house, chanted ‘arrest Mark Drakeford’ & gave several stunning renditions of the following:

You can stick your Covid Passport up your arse

You can stick your Covid Passport up your arse

You can stick your Covid Passport, stick your Covid Passport

Stick your Covid Passport up your arse

These ‘Marie Antoinettes’ are NOT disturbed at what they’re doing to citizens, they’re NOT concerned about trashing the human rights of millions…they’re ‘disturbed’ that people are inconveniencing them with the truth they won’t hear any other way.

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them


Watch the left hand…https://t.me/MarkGBBlog/39

Anthony Fauci: Cornered Rat

Problem > Reaction > Solution