‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

It's a big club, & you ain't in it...

They don't want educated people capable of critical thinking…

Before I develop this theme, I want to respond to some questions I received about Dr David Martin’s comments on COVID, from the interview that I posted last Monday. Long story, short, here’s a summary of what I heard him say:

  1. There is NOTHING ‘novel' about this ‘virus'. It was patented, and is therefore man-made

  2. The ‘media hype’ around this ’new killer virus’ was created to sell the ‘cure', which was ALREADY being developed

  3. This ‘cure’ does not meet the criteria for a ‘vaccine’. It does not provide immunity to infection or prevent transmission

  4. It is a biological agent (he refers to it as a bioweapon) which acts on the immune system of the recipient

  5. The ‘point’...is to get the population ‘addicted’ to annual ‘vaccination'…a massive commercial scam

  6. The variants are nothing more than ’snapshots’ of the genetic code taken from different starting points in the sequence. IE scare tactics to keep the scam going

He did not go into the medical effects of the jab, which, as the VAERS show, are many and dire. These are going unreported because the media is being controlled - I’M SAYING THAT

He did not go into the political context, which I assert to be this: COVID-19 is the tool to justify the introduction of the New World Order, as envisaged through ’The Great Reset’ and UN Agenda 2030 - I’M SAYING THAT

He did not assert: The ’pandemic’ was used to ‘justify’ mail-in ballots in the US, which were used to rig the election of NWO puppet Joe Biden…BECAUSE Trump is the enemy of the globalist NWO - I’M SAYING THAT

It’s all linked, all part of one massive power grab - I’M SAYING THAT

I’m sure that we will hear much more from Dr Martin…and I welcome that prospect…

Now back to my theme for today. Regular readers of this blog will have heard me say many times:

Watch Maricopa

Maricopa is now in what I would call ‘the quickening’ phase. In other words, information is now starting to force its way onto the public radar. Yesterday, the forensic audit team presented a preliminary report to the Arizona Senate:

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Concurrent with this…Georgia audit is also starting to reveal information…this is just the start…

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Reminder…I watched this in real time. It’s a bummer that it’s taken 8 months to get here…but given we’re fighting an information war against a bunch of billionaire dirtbags who control governments, the media & big tech…what do you expect?

It’s a big club…and we ain’t in it…

Before I show you how the same scam is being applied in the COVID strand of this conspiracy, let me warn you of something:

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You know what I’m talking about, right? ‘Suicides’…some real, some not…are coming.

Now…look what’s happening on COVID…it’s the same information war…

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And as the fake narrative falls apart, the enemy does what it always does…clampdown further. When all you have is lies, and people stop believing them, you suppress the truth…HARDER:

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LINK: https://twitter.com/MarkGBblog/status/1415924004913885186?s=20

So…what now?…

We keep pushing back…we keep calling them out…we keep the faith…yes faith…

You think this universe is built on lies…you think it’s unreal? Try falling off a cliff & see how real it is.

This universe is built on Truth NOT bullshit.



What can you do, when you don’t know what you can do? How do you fight an enemy whose power rests on your compliance…you do what scares them most…you give them the WORD they dread:

This is just the beginning for us. It’s the end for them. Keep your spirits up, find like-minded souls to talk to, and switch off the idiot tube news - it’s a black hole of poisonous bullshit.

Truth is coming for all of them…

All of them…


On various...

Dr David Martin's testimony to Dr Reiner Fuellmich : WATCH THIS INTERVIEW