‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

23rd-26th March 2021: Don't ask Boris if he was blackmailed

On Monday, the Daily Mail gave us all a cheery thought to start the week…twice weekly testing and ‘sewage monitoring’:

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You can smell it here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9387473/Every-adult-UK-asked-test-coronavirus-twice-week.html

The arrival of tens of thousands of immigrants at the Mexican border was inevitable, given Biden’s intention to undo everything done by Trump. The catastrophe this has unleashed is finally being raised by the MSM, simply because it is too glaring to ignore…but to Cackling Cabala, not too glaring for a cackle…

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Link: https://twitter.com/MarkGBblog/status/1374308800694513667?s=20

Meanwhile back in Blighty, the blatantly obvious is at last being floated as a ‘possibility’…

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Link: https://twitter.com/MarkGBblog/status/1374335187312472064?s=20

On Tuesday, Boris ‘Don’t ask me if I was blackmailed’ Johnson asked us all to ‘reflect’…

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Meanwhile the Telegraph ran a story on how ministers are waiting for the results of a study, before doing what they’ve already been instructed to do:

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When is ‘freedom’ really FREEDOM…

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You will have noticed how politicians ‘sneak-in’ pre-determined policies though a process that goes something like this: hint…denial…’we’re considering it’…’events are demanding a firm response’…implementation.

It works because people have the memory of goldfish, & more importantly, because they can’t bring themselves to believe that their ‘leaders’ are devoid of conscience & ethics…that they’re complicit with EVIL…well, they are.

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Link: https://twitter.com/MarkGBblog/status/1374998466796122116?s=20

Essentially, we do NOT have a ‘democracy’…we are being taken into a ‘technocracy’…which, because we would never vote for it, requires implementation through ‘deceit’. Those who think that such deceit is ‘necessary’, are the ‘deceivers’ themselves…join the dots…

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The truth needs to be repeated as often as their poisonous bullshit…

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Did I mention that you should never ask Boris about blackmail…

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Finally, here’s something to make you smile…

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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqNdKtahx58&t=2s

Have a good weekend



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27th/28th March 2021

20th-22nd March 2021: The Veil is Falling