Those of you who’ve followed this blog for any length of time, particularly those who do their own research (and I know that many of you do) will be mentally & physically prepared if & when ‘The Big Shit hits The Big Fan’. By ‘prepared’ I mean you have set aside food, water & cash to see you through an emergency situation, and therefore you will not ‘starve’, ‘panic’ or ‘fret’ when supply chains grind to a halt, the grid goes down, the media goes ‘dark’, &/or your credit cards cease to work.
If my saying this this comes as a shock, you must imagine that:
I’ve been ‘kidding around’ for the past few months…or
That I’m suffering from prolonged paranoia…or
That I’m totally full of shit, in an entertaining kind of way…or worse…
That I may actually be right, but not to the extent that you thought it was a good idea to get off your arse & do something about it. If you are in this “It’ll be alright on the night” category, let me throw a cog in your wheel once more:
We’re in a fucking war…
It will almost certainly NOT be ‘alright on the night’…not for the first few nights anyway…and even if it is, you’ll have lost nothing by preparing yourself, mentally and physically, for a period of ‘darkness’.
To recap:
We are living through a monumental phase of human history. If they get their way, the result will be a dark age for humanity. They will NOT get their way.
TRUTH is a force of nature…