‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

24th January 2021: The machine never sleeps

You wake up, you turn on the radio, you read a newspaper, you watch TV…whatever you do…all day, every day, you are bombarded by ‘the narrative’…this is what’s happening, this is what it means, this is what you should think, this is who you should love…this is who you should hate…it’s all


The machine never sleeps…the machine never gives up…


…neither does the truth:

Screenshot 2021-01-24 at 17.00.58.png

But always, we need to inject the lighter note…the ‘enemy’ hates being ridiculed…

Screenshot 2021-01-24 at 18.05.46.png

Another sign that the pressure is mounting?

Screenshot 2021-01-24 at 20.27.10.png


You may be asking yourself why this has to go on so long…it’s because they are putting pieces in place…not just the biological technology, but also the financial technology. They intend to replace the old bankrupt system with a new one, which, just like the old one, will be totally rigged for them:

Screenshot 2021-01-24 at 22.04.10.png

Always remember…you are not the machine…you are made from truth…& the truth isn’t going anywhere. Have a good week.

25th January 2021: There is always light

23rd January 2021: The snakes continue to slither