The people behind 'The Great Reset' have 'weaponized' COVID-19. They not only 'own' the Tory Government, but they’re also 'playing' the opposition parties brilliantly. These guys may be callous beyond belief, utterly without compassion in fact, but they’re also extremely clever. It remains to be seen, however, if they are clever enough.
If you recall, at the beginning of the 'crisis', Boris Johnson was firmly in the 'herd immunity' camp. When he did act - he did a complete 180 - his policies appeared disjointed & callous to many people, irrespective of their medical knowledge. EG: he chucked sick people into old people’s homes, and ‘encouraged’ those old people to sign ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ letters.
This, quite rightly, started an avalanche of criticism from 'the UK left' with the exception of the leadership of the Labour Party, the Official Opposition, Keir Starmer. (I'll come back to what Starmer is 'up to' later).
Since that point, pretty much ALL opposition to the government comes from the following standpoint: "You're not doing enough, you're not doing it fast enough, you're not doing it efficiently enough".
So currently, for example, the government is being pounded about the number of ‘cases’. If these ‘cases’ represented ‘diseased people’ and/or ‘contagious people’, such a pounding would be exactly what the opposition should be doing. But here’s the rub: THEY DON’T.
They represent ‘positive’ responses from a PCR test that was NEVER designed to identify a disease. It was designed to magnify whatever is present in the sample. It does not differentiate between ‘live’ & ‘remnant’, & has nothing whatsoever to say about whether the person is ‘ill’ or ‘contagious’. That part of the narrative...that a positive result is ‘dangerous’ entirely the creation of the government and its ‘scientists’.
Now, here’s the worst part: THEY KNOW THIS. Let me put it another way: The deception is deliberate. So…this is what effective opposition would look like:
a) Holding the government to account for its lies
b) Uncovering the underlying agenda (they’re not lying for the sake of it)
Why isn’t this happening?
First of all Starmer: He’s totally onboard with the deception. He’s a fully paid up globalist, a member of the Trilateral Commission…a ‘shill’. He makes my skin creep
Next, the media: Some are onboard with the deception, some are simply ‘obedient’, others, particularly the ‘big beasts’, are arrogant - can you imagine Piers Morgan ever saying ‘I’ve been played’. Nope, screw the truth, Morgan’s got his ego to polish
What about the masses of well-intentioned people on ‘the left’? When you’ve spent your life championing the NHS, fighting for the poor, challenging injustice, bashing the Tory Government for its lack of compassion...and then you see people like Matt Hancock talking about how much he cares...then of course, you KNOW he’s talking you attack him for not doing enough
Then, when someone like me comes along and says:
“Yes he is full of crap, but it’s worse than you think – he’s using COVID as ‘misdirection’...the REAL threat is ‘The Great Reset’”.
I get it - it’s a hard pill to swallow. Firstly, it sounds like a ‘conspiracy theory’...well I told you they’re clever. But secondly, if it’s true, then you have to confront the fact that you’ve been played…that your mistrust of everything the government says except for their ‘FRAMING’ of the actually playing into their hands.
So when I say “playing into their hands”, who are ‘they’?
Not just the Tories I’m afraid; Boris Johnson is little more than a stooge, Hancock is an ambitious ‘sock-puppet’. The real ‘enemy’ are the people behind ‘The Great Reset’: Gates, Rockefeller, Schwab et al, and their pet ‘scientists’, Whitty & Vallance.
So what do I suggest?
Consider the possibility that you’ve been’s not a crime for Christ’s sake. Examine the evidence: Watch the video below describing Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s Class Action Case, follow up on his sources, particularly on the PCR scam. If you still think I’m wrong...we can disagree. If not...get even more angry than you already are...and channel that anger, not just at the government, but at the people behind what is, in reality, a GLOBAL deception...’The Great Reset’. To kill a serpent, you must chop off its head...
Here’s the video:
Thanks for reading.