Two Paths: To the left: A parasite at the head of a dark pyramid…To the Right: Sovereign Beings at a Round Table…Choose.
We are entering a societal ‘bi-furcation’:
“the division of something into two branches or parts”
You will have noticed the government’s calls for ‘unity’:
’Have you had your jab yet?’…’we’ll get through this together”…’no-one is safe until we’re all safe’…blah blah blah…
Be clear: they are not calling for ‘unity’…they are calling for ‘compliance’…’control’. Unity is ONLY achieved through free choice…NEVER through control. Just as ‘freedom’ and ‘slavery’ are polar opposites…so are ‘unity’ and ‘control’. We were warned of this deceit - the inversion of truth in the mind of the tyrant - in a book written in 1948, titled by the inversion of that year: ‘1984’:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Incidentally, he also wrote ‘He wears a mask and his face grows to fit it’…but that’s for another day.
Here’s the psychic ‘Magenta Pixie’, whose work I ‘met’ online a few months ago as I was doing ‘research’, AKA ‘going about my day in a typical fashion’. She said this on Telegram a few minutes ago…as I was starting this piece…another strange and delightful co-incidence...
“You live within a bifurcated reality that is set to intensify and then some. You cannot find unity by ignoring the bifurcation. You cannot find true unity if you are trying to embrace an old system alongside a new one through fear of losing the familiar and the connection with those who do not see the choice available or who feel they have no choice. Only when you acknowledge the extreme division…and ‘choose your side’…make your choice by embracing one side of this binary polarity and rejecting the other…only then will you create, find, experience and know true unity”
What does this mean on a practical level? It means that the government’s attempts to ‘blackmail’ people into compliance will backfire…leading to the establishment of ‘alternative’ businesses, hotels, and a whole host of services that align with ‘freedom’ & reject ‘control’. New ‘communities’ will emerge, and are emerging NOW.
This new world will grow larger as the old system shrinks, grow stronger organically, as the controlling machine weakens irretrievably, through the revelation of what that system truly IS, at its core and in its ‘intention’:
The machinations of those who would subjugate humanity to retain their power over this earth. AKA The Cabal…Dark Parasites.
They will fail. They already have.
Meanwhile…the European Union continues to show its true colours:
As does ‘the left’ in America:
But enough of minions…let us turn to the lieutenant-overlords…whose ‘spell’ is looking increasingly broken…
Whilst we’re here, let’s have a bit of fun at the expense of their hubris…
BTW, you should know that, despite what ANYBODY tells you to the contrary…your health is a private matter…your response to enquiries is a matter of personal choice…here’s a response my friend Julie prepared for such an occasion:
Changing tack once again, here are three articles on the EGT-TIT23 ‘experimental gene therapy that is trialling until 2023’
This next one shows the esteem with which Gates & his ‘Poison Dwarf’ are held in their native America:
Finally, here’s a US research piece on the effectiveness of Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19
Those last three articles were sent to me by a retired doctor in my local community in South Wales. He used to work at the practice that I go to. On Sunday my wife Lesley, and I, will be visiting his home along with a ‘hodgepodge’ of other folks who have been brought together by the ‘bi-furcation’ process I described above. For example: our postman, his fiancé, his soon to be mother-in-law and brother-in-law came to a BBQ at our house last week…after a ‘chance’ conversation when Lesley asked him how he was…and he replied truthfully. When he asked her what she thought about ‘lockdown’…and as Lesley said “I think it’s a total load of bollox”…a connection was formed: the connection of like-minded, like-spirited people, who, whilst they may never have known it under ‘normal’ circumstances, find themselves with a common challenge & purpose. This is a microcosm of the ‘bi-furcation’, and if you look about you, you will begin to see that it’s happening everywhere. Such a thing is inevitable.
These ‘dark ones’ will NEVER crush the human spirit…their lies, their attacks, and even their ‘cull’ of the weakest and most vulnerable in society…for that is what is happening…will boomerang back and bite them…eventually destroying them.
This is a war between GOOD and evil.
GOOD will win…and in TRUTH…it already has…
And finally…watch this…the latest Hitler rant…quick before the thought cops take it down…